Terms And Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Please read carefully before completing your enrolment and payment. ‘Class’ in the Conditions of Enrolment outlined here refers to any term course, weekend class or school holiday program.

Copyright protection

All text, images and lesson content on our website is protected by intelligence copyright. All content is copyrighted to EVFDC PTY/LTD, trading as East Village Art House P/L (est. Feb 2016)

When you enroll in any programme at East Village Art House, you agree not to reproduce or share any component of our workshops, webpages or any social media platform, materials provided or content. This includes removing material from our website or any social media platforms, for personal or commercial use, Without requesting written permission from us first. .

Your space in a class or workshop is reserved only once full payment has been received.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

East Village Art House reserves the right to amend any class, tutor or schedule if a workshop has insufficient numbers enrolled, If a class is cancelled due to insufficient enrollments, any student enrolled in that class will be offered an alternative class, credit or refund.

Refund, cancellation and transfer policy

The following policy relates to Term Courses, Weekend Workshops/classes and School Holiday Programs. 

No Refunds

Fees are non-refundable, unless negotiated for an extended illness. See COVID Policy if cancellation is due to Covid-19.

If any workshop is rescheduled due to change of mind, it will incur a 50% administration fee. Rescheduling is limited to one occasion.

Missed classes

There are no transfers, credit, refunds or make up sessions if you miss a class or if your personal circumstances change.

Cancellation of enrollment

If you choose to withdraw from a course or class before its commencement, you may transfer to another course or class, to be used within 6 months of the date payment was received. You will not receive a refund for the course or class fee paid.

There are no transfers or credits if you withdraw or cancel on the day of the course or class or once the course or class has commenced.

EVAH reserves the right to cancel a students enrollment or attendance without notice if their behaviour is too disruptive to ensure the safety and enjoyment of other students.

If cancellation of any Workshop/Class is due to COVID-19 Government advised shut down. Credits will be issued. Credits may be used towards same programs within 3 years of issue (subject to availability). This is in line with the Department of Fair Trading's recommendations under Australian Consumer Law.

Holiday Workshops

Refunds or credit notes for School Holiday programs are not offered if cancelling because you change your mind or your child is ill. It is however transferable to a friend by your arrangement and I am advised of the change and that Child’s full contact details are supplied as per booking form and advice if child has allergies or illness etc. 

However, if your child or any member of your child’s residence has Covid-19, or has been tested for Covid-19 and is awaiting results. Your child will be credited with Value of the missed Holiday Workshop, once cleared and EVAH has been issued a copy of Negative result and testing took place on or before the workshop booking date.

Fees are listed with the course details on our website. All fees include GST. Payment of all fees via online credit card payment is required at the time of enrollment to secure your place. We accept Visa and Master card.

You can enrol in person at our studio. We accept Visa or Master card card, EFTPOS, and online direct deposits into our bank account. Tax receipts will be provided on receipt of payment.


From time to time we take photos during class of students and artworks. These photos are used for East Village Art House promotional purposes only. These photos will be used exclusively by and for East Village Art House/Bayside Workshops. As a Condition of Enrolment your consent is implied. Please notify us in writing if you do not want your child’s photo or artwork used in our promotional material.

Child information Form

Child information form must be completed, including Childs full date of birth and any medical issues tutor needs to be aware of to ensure everyone attending enjoys their time in art class.

Punctuality? Drop off

Students are requested to be punctual for class. Children should be escorted to and from the art school by a parent or guardian, l and collected promptly at the end of class.

All Art classes are drop off only, No parent stay for lesson.

Late Pick Up

Late pick up is $1.00, a minute, I’m not child care and but happy to charge the same late fee as child care.

Occupational Health & Safety

If you have an existing medical condition, allergy or disability that may affect your participation in a class, you should notify us at the time of enrollment.


Contact information you supply to East Village Art House will not be disclosed outside the studio without your express consent, except where required by law. We do not retain any credit card information.

East Village Art House, will from time-to-time send mail and email to students and past students for the purposes of marketing. Should you not wish to receive mailings from East Village Art House please notify us that you wish to unsubscribe and you will be removed from our mailing list.


We are a NO NUTS premises (this includes Nutella) and encourage healthy snacks and lunches are packed. ALSO Due to COVID RESTRICTIONS NO shared food or Birthday cakes on the premises. Individual cup cakes have been working very well.