Natural Bath Bombs

Natural Bath Bomb Workshop

Natural Bath Bomb Workshop



Learn to make your own natural bath bombs!

New Dates Soon

In recent years, many have recognised the need to move towards natural options for beauty, with paraben and SLS (sodium laurel sulphate) free beauty products. Such ingredients have been shown to have detrimental effects on the body, and even the plastics in which our beauty products are packaged can be full of endocrine disrupting chemicals such as parabens which mess with our hormones and wreak havoc on our bodies in a myriad of ways. In this workshop you will learn the easy way to create your own beautiful bath bombs at home using all-natural ingredients. Create 2 skin-soothing bath bombs to take home, and learn how essential oils can have a positive impact on your health and overall wellness as well as radiant, anti-aging properties for your skin.

WHERE : Our Studio

205 Darling Street, Balmain Sydney NSW